Outdoor Pools

   Services    >    Thermal and Adventure Bath
Are you seeking healing from the thermal water, or looking for relief from the hot summer sun? Do you wish to engage in sports or do you desire relaxation for your body and soul? In Túrkeve Termál everyone finds what they need.


Outdoor Thermal Pool

Our most beloved, year-round thermal pool can be found between the new indoor adventure bath and the main building.
The sunshade in the middle of the pool provides two kinds of temperatures on either side, giving a comfortable experience to those who like truly hot water. The adventure elements are automatic.
Adventure elements: bubble bath, water massage jet, neck shower.
Open: all year
Water Temperature: 36 C +-1 C and 38 C +-1 C
Water Depth: 95 cm
Pool Measures: 12m x 8m x 0,95m
Operates with fill and drain system
Not recommended for children under 14 years (unless prescribed by doctor)
Advised bath time: 20 minutes

Swimming Pool

Outstanding swimming pool with 6 lanes, for swimmers only.
Open: from spring to autumn
Water Temperature: 27+-1 C
Water Depth: 2,4 m
Pool Measures: 33,3m x 17,85m x 2,4m
Operates with water-recycling system

Adventure Pool

Equipped with many adventure elements, the pool offers a pleasant pastime for all ages, from the elderly seeking to sit in the shallow water, enjoying the massage jets, to the slide-loving excited children.
Adventure elements: slides, bubble bath, water spitters, water massage jets, geysers, lazy river ride.
Open: from spring to autumn
Water Temperature: 30 C
Water Depth: 30-130 cm
Water Surface: 733 m2
Operates with water-recycling system

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